Friday, December 18, 2020

Lessons I learned in 2020: Family

Troublesome 2020 is what I call this year; to some it's a big bag of catastrophe or the beginning of a new world. 

The world we previously knew is gone and we all should expect something different... 

Travelling for business appointments would reduce...this isn't good news for those in travel business.

Some companies like Facebook, Twitter, Square, Shopify, Box and so many other companies have gone virtual too. Many people will lose their jobs too.

Some bad times are over but some bad times are coming. I'm not being a harbinger of bad news, its just the reality of the world we live in.

People have lost loved ones, property, memories and other important things. There's gloom and sadness everywhere. This is why it's such a bad time to be alone.

Now I know why the biblical Hannah says God sets the solitary in families. If you're alone, you're a prey. Like Game of Thrones says when the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives

My siblings came through for me this year. They've been on my side and God knows how much I love them and want the best for them.

You need family and I can't overemphasize this.

Someone was telling me she would rather not have a family than have the one she was born into. If you're thinking this way, you still need family. 

Think of family as people with the same purpose and vision as yourself. You all have a common goal and that's what makes you family. 

This is why bonds formed in workplaces, Churches, Mosques and even boarding house (if you suffered together) are difficult to break.

Some years ago, my mum was pretty ill and she was admitted in the hospital. My siblings were away and I just felt boxed in by depression because she was in so much pain. I received a call from these wonderful sisters of mine and the depression lifted.

You must have a family. You can't afford to be alone in the day of trouble because your family is your support system. They are your extra eyes, mind and help when you're in dire need. 

Your family says you never walk alone.

So, who's your family?

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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Lessons I learned in 2020: Gratitude

I don't believe in monthly or yearly goals. 

Here's my reason:

Many goals are like classes in a school; when you meet the requirement of one class, you get promoted to another class. If you don't pass one class and understand the requirement, meeting up with the next class is going to be difficult. 

I have the perfect example

There's this girl, KJ. KJ is 13 but she's getting closer to 14. She's in what we call Primary 3 here in Nigeria. Her age mates and friends are in JSS3 and it upsets her. She doesn't pay attention in her class because she feels she should be with her mates in JSS3. 

Meanwhile KJ doesn't know why a square is different from a rectangle; she has a problem solving simple mathematical equations. One day her teacher spent hours teaching her how 6 and 4 equals 10. So how does she cope in JSS3?

I know people who measure their lives by their goals and not meeting up with it is what makes them who they are. So in a year like 2020 where there was so much gbas gbos, what happens? Thankfully, the internet never forgets; however should the people who had grand 2020 plans feel like they failed?
Like I told KJ, I say to you, be grateful.

Be grateful the basic things are even coming your way. 

Gratitude isn't that you don't acknowledge the mess life throws your way. Its acknowledging where you are and your ability to move on. 

It's reminiscing on how far you've come and how you've weathered the storm life brought your way.

If you don't stay thankful, it would be impossible to see the opportunities your way. 

If you don't stay thankful, you'll be depressed. I remember when a friend told me she was really broke. She had to call a friend to borrow her some money. When she said that, it dawned on me that having a place to borrow money was a good thing and a miracle. With gratitude you see the bright side of life.
You see, life is filled with more troubles than joy, more sorrow than happiness. As Job says, the days of a man or woman is filled with more trouble. Gratitude makes it worth a living. 

What are you most grateful for this year?

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Monday, December 7, 2020

Lessons I learned in 2020: Survival

2020 has been an awkward year. It feels like we've spent 24months already yet the year hasn't ended.

So many things happened this year and most remarkable of them all has been the coronavirus. It hit every industry and niche.

I'm not sure the world can ever recover from it.

In one week, two people that are close to me lost their loved ones. I felt their pain and it was heart wrenching.

Many people are still counting their losses 

Kobe Bryant and his daughter, our Wakanda king Chadwick Bozeman and Maradona died too. 

Where are the people who were talking about vision 2020?

Back to my post...

So I was scrolling through WhatsApp status this evening and I stumbled on a post. It's December (it's not detty as we say in Nigeria) and usually, many people ask what others have you achieved at this time.

I saw a lady's reply saying that she survived. 

That resounded in my mind. 

Think about this...

Its because you survived that you can count your losses

It's because you survived that you may feel sad when you reminisce 

It's because you survived that you can think of all that's wrong

I'm sure there are many things you may consider...but it's because you've survived thus far that you can muse over them all.

The key is to keep surviving. Keep moving forward irrespective of how you feel. 

Keep surviving and focus on this instead of focusing on problems... Problem no dey finish.

The keyword for 2020 is survive. Like my Ibo friends would say, o di kwa important. It's very important.

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