Yaay! This month is when Fathers all over the world are celebrated. A particular day is set apart which is the 21st of June for this year.
I believe Fathers who have made a mark should be celebrated. It takes a few minutes for a man to sire a child but it takes intentionality, responsibility, selflessness and love to be a dedicated father.
There was a day I went to the mall to shop and relax. A man walked by me and his kids told him 'daddy we want popcorn'; they were about 6 and 3 years old.
He went to the lady selling the popcorn; he asked for the price and with tears in his eyes he begged her to help him because he didn't have enough and the wonderful attendant sold it to him.
The man would have knelt down or cleaned the toilet gladly if giving the popcorn depended on it.
The kids were happy; they had no idea what transpired.
When there's a Father there should be discipline. I know of a family that's suffering because of the lack of a Father's discipline.
Let me give you a sneak peak.
Doris liked to live free and she always acted as she pleased; on numerous occasions, she always had her way; I always wondered why she acted that way considering the fact that she was almost in her twenties, she later told me her a story that satisfied my curiosity.
Her Father traveled out of the state for a business meeting and she decided to visit her friend who was celebrating her birthday. She was dancing but suddenly froze in shock.
The celebrant was dancing with her father; he sponsored the event.
There was an exchange; she kept mute and he gave her all she wanted.
A few years later she started dating this boy who was a complete NFA - no future ambition. Her whole life with him was on Facebook; they looked like junkies. About 4 years later, her parents found out about the relationship.
I'm sure you're wondering why it took four years but you need to hear this part.
When they told her to stay away from him, Doris went hysterical and drank bleach chemical. When she returned from the hospital, her parents revisited the issue, she almost stabbed herself.
Issues like this should be avoided if there's a Father who loves and can uphold discipline in a family.
I shouldn't bore you with too many stories but I'll like you to tell me your story; let me know what you think about your father.
Send your own story and picture to nuptialtales@gmail.com. it should be at between 400-600 words. I'm not going to make it my own, if you're in doubt you can check out the 'Where's my pain' post.
Remember gifts will fade but words can never be forgotten; You'll be glad you did!