So this man who was attending to me asked me about what I do. I told him I'm a writer and he asked if it pays bills. I told him yes and I enjoy it. Unku expected that a man must be taking care of me.
Imagine o! A whole me o. No yawa sha.
I asked him the same question and he said he didn't plan to work in an eye clinic. He didn't have any hope to work as an accountant/sales manager of an eye clinic but he had bills to pay. I told him I also pay bills too.
Unku asked me what bills women pay and I was shocked in Gryffindor and Slytherin put together. I pay my rent o, I eat o, and I buy essential commodities.
We are all in this together; both men and women pay bills as long as we are all adults.
And we arrive at the scam...
There are many posts saying adulthood is a scam. Someone said for every single credit alert you receive you receive 998 debit alerts for it.
I don't think adulthood is the main scam here. The scam to me is your source/who you are. If you are all about work and hustle... E sa, esma you go choke.
What's your source? Are you focused on getting blessed or becoming a blessing? They are two different things as the former can pay bills easily while the latter can pay people's bills.
When you shoot your shot, what are you focused on? Being blessed and having a 'blesser' or becoming a blesser'?
Cheers to Love and everything True.
Your faithful Omogeh
Drops 🎤 mic
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