He didn’t enjoy any bit of his marriage except the honeymoon of course coz it was free from any interference from the world. He learnt what it was to dwell and be satisfied with your own wife. He totally enjoyed her, from her smile to her charm, chatting with her and her thought pattern!
He enjoyed every minute they spent in bed as he always slept immediately after and thought she enjoyed it too; she must have also slept after spending the same amount of energy that he also spent but she said she didn’t enjoy it while he did.
What went wrong? Was Henry that good? Was he that terrible for Tracy to prefer Henry? What exactly did they do together? His mind drifted from it…

He’d sat by her side many times and she didn’t even notice. He’d dreamt about her quite a number of times but the dream he could never forget was the one where she walked up to him and told him they would be together forever.
It was so real that he had to keep reminding himself whenever he had day-dreams about it that it was just a dream.
It was all he’d been longing to hear since the first day he laid his eyes on her.
He kept wondering how he would have told her she was the delight of his life but that was until he saw her talking to Tosin who was his friend and a worker in the church.
He had already told his friend Matthew who was his Pastor and friend about Tracy. He knew Mathew wasn’t stupid; Malaki paid 70% of the church’s bill so he knew Mathew was on his side or he would have taken his money to another church.
All he had to do was tell Tosin to convince Tracy to attend their church. Tosin did it without any hassles that he had to give her something for it.
He told Tosin he woke up with an impression to give her some money and the dumb girl fell for it and kept thanking him for it for about two weeks. On the day Tracy was to attend their service, he waited till she entered and he came in right after her so he had to sit by her side. 2+2=4 and the rest is history.
It took her a while to warm up to him and when she did he felt like superman. He was head-over-heels but he couldn’t let her know coz this wasn’t the west.
This was Africa and men musn’t act like women so he had to comport himself and talk straight even though his heart kept beating faster and he felt like he was going to have a heart attack.
He took her out, paid her bills and made life beautiful for her till after their honeymoon when the douche-bag showed up. He needed to deal with Heady or Henry or whatever his name was. The guy was obviously an incompetent lowlife, a tout with no class and a card-carrying member of NFA - No Future Ambition!
He wondered sometimes what Tracy saw in him that made her run after him. It was either Tracy was senseless or Henry had a good medicine man working for him but he decided to seek for a solution.
These were dire times and dire times needed dire plans.
He had to strategize how to get his woman back which meant dealing with Henry. He decided to pay some touts to deal with him. He had been searching for them and found a gang that was competent.
He paid them and they promised to deal with Henry. He gave them his wife’s details and told them to trace her. They were living together but not a fly was to touch her hair. They assured him his wife would be safe and back to him within a week.
He had to strategize how to get his woman back which meant dealing with Henry. He decided to pay some touts to deal with him. He had been searching for them and found a gang that was competent.
He paid them and they promised to deal with Henry. He gave them his wife’s details and told them to trace her. They were living together but not a fly was to touch her hair. They assured him his wife would be safe and back to him within a week.
Although, he felt hurt with all she had done and said to him, he felt like she cut part of his heart and took it away. She was still his wife and he still loved her but he knew she was now with another man.
What miracle could he work out? He didn’t even know how to go about it.
He wasn’t ready to lose his wife; he knew he had to talk to someone about it, preferably a woman: she must be someone who would be capable and also be able to understand what was going on, no partiality at all. She should be able to show him the 411 on how she would return.
He wasn’t ready to lose his woman to the nincompoop called Heady or Henry or whatever his name was.
Who would it be?
I feel for Malaki but really violence that would not help matters. Please post 7 asap