Now to the concluding part.

In Cap’s words, ‘’she’s not the most open person’’ even when the Maximoff lady
was in her mind, I think it was one the most messed up mind.
But I like the fact that she stepped out of her world
to express her feelings. She fell in love with the most unlikely person –
This is a lesson for ladies who are actually ‘form’
strong. Its good to be strong but know when to bend.
Barton: I think he’s the man of the movie.
Why? If your
strength is small in the day of trouble then you should cover your face with
ashes but if you have someone to help you when you need it then you should
count yourself as one of the luckiest people on earth.
He gives the impression of the most unimportant person
on the team. He didn’t look better than a bow an arrow, he was the only one
without a nickname but he was the most settled among them all.
What if Barton didn’t have a good self-esteem or he
was insecure? That would resort to him leaving other members while they were
down. Imagine what would have happened.
Another interesting thing is the fact that he gave
Wanda the reason and strength to fight.
He had a family which none of them had and most of all
he brought the most point to the surface.
The Safe House.
His own family especially his wife was his own safe
house. She gave him some salient points; things he was to consider.
I can’t imagine if the movie was real and there was no
safe house.
The avengers took a big hit and were badly and
thoroughly shaken, they needed a place to go find their strength back and be
And that’s life! It throws at us issues that shake us
to our very root e.g grief, disappointment, a fatal mistake, recovering from an
issue or illness, plagues, earthquakes, flood and so many other things.
There are too many things that will be too glad to
take away the joy from your heart and wipe the smile off your face.
A safe house is expedient in this day.
It will help you settle down and check your weak points
and plan properly for what’s coming your way.
Why? You can’t be too sure what’s coming your way.
To another interesting part:
This movie also says its important to deal with hurts.
They were hurt. According to the story, Stark’s
experiment hit their home while they were 10 and they didn’t recover.
This was why they volunteered themselves for an
This made them join forces with Ultron but thankfully
Wanda was quick to see what he was up to and they opted out. They retraced
their steps and made the right decision.
With these few points of mine, I hope you’ll fall in
love the way I did.
What are you still waiting for? Watch the movie!
Bring me your questions, comments, addition and
Nice piece.