- Nariko stood for Kai, giving up herself for her and it paid off. This is how Kai will learn to master the sword and not kill for it.
- Bohan kept using Nariko’s past against her although she never knew of it. He told her that her family, clan and tribe were all gone and there was nothing left to fight for. Times like this require balanced thinking. Even if all you fight for seems like it’s over, would you still hold on in hope? For Nariko, even as her death drew near, she knew she must never give out the sword no matter the cost and it paid off.
- Takashi took up Nariko and trained her instead of leaving her to grow in the shadow which was where her Father left her. This turned out to be the light when all others were snuffed out. What you decide to overlook today may be your only chance of survival tomorrow even if it seems meaningless today. It was the ignored and rejected daughters that made things right.
- Kai's mum was attacked and she felt guilty forgetting that she was just a child. There are some things that slip out of our hands because we don’t have the power to hold on or help so don’t blame yourself for it.
- Gratitude will always warm up the heart like a cup of hot tea when the weather is biting cold. Nariko was helping her father yet he didn’t say thank you. He told her “what have you done, I didn’t ask to be rescued, foolish girl” all his hope was on the chosen one. To him, hope was only in 'his' chosen one.
- Your fate and destiny is what you make of it. Nariko made the choice to be the chosen one.
- It doesn’t matter if you’re the chosen one and you’re unprepared. You’ll be snuffed out in an instant like a lamp. That’s what happened to the Son.
- Even in the face of challenges, you need to concentrate. That was what the blade man said to Nariko. Her concentration made her formidable.
- Everything comes at a price whether good or evil. Bohan had to sell his soul to be able to fight Nariko.
- Kio betrayed his people. Betrayal never pays out. He who soils his hands and enjoys it now would pay for it dearly later.
The end.
Photo credit: gamespot.com
U have eyes o, Shey u b prophet ni?