I see
the stripes
I hear
the whips
The bags
under your eye speak clearly
The offense
in your heart
Stick out
in your throat
As bold
as Adam’s apple
But yet
Still yet
You smile
The way
you speak on phone
The smirk
on your lips
The way
you look at another
Is a
hidden way
To hide
the lust and attraction
But you
cant hide the fact that
It helps
to revive a little flame
It seems
more like
The one
that once was
When you
both began
But you
tell everyone
Aal iz
Your heart
runs to another
And damn!
Phones are
It helps
you mask
That drawing
from another
So you
can chat till day breaks
And it
gives you a form of satisfaction
And revives
your smile
Even though
you’re dying within
What are
we playing at
fooling who
Its only
the sweet pictures we see
How you
guys look nice on Facebook
Insta tells
us of your anniversaries
But deep
We know
The homes
are dead
different from graveyards
There your
tongues lashes
And the
whips come down
The silence
becomes deafening
And you’re
both worlds apart
So I
fooling who
What have
we sown
What are
we reaping?
Photo credit: blackandmarriedwithkids
Na real selah!