Here are good examples of what I mean
1. There was skit I watched from Mr. freaky freaky. A lady told him one of his boys molested her and she brought police men to arrest him. Mr. freaky freaky was angry and he spoke harshly to the boy. The lady later confessed she only set him up after she saw Mr. freaky freaky breathe fire and brimstone. However, the poor boy had committed suicide already.
2. A few weeks ago, a lady in Abuja put up a post of how a guy drugged, raped and put up her nude pictures when she was either asleep or high. Social media was livid and people wanted to have the guy's head. The guy eventually came out with chat and call record of what transpired between them. Apparently it was only a matter of an unpaid 100k between them.
Hope you understand what I mean.
To react emotionally is to join the bandwagon. Emotionalism is to regard issues from your emotions; basically, logic or your mind isn't in control here. You simply hear what someone is saying and you react (usually) from an extreme emotion which can either be over-excitement, anger, anxiety or any other rush of emotion.
When people react emotionally, they react when they hear one side of the story without listening to the other side of the story.

Emotionalism rides on the senses or emotions instead of the mind. Make sure you have all the facts before you respond.
Don't react. Calm down, take a break and look into the issue again before you respond. If it isn't necessary, don't respond. The fact that everyone has something to say doesn't mean you should also have something to say.
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