Thursday, December 30, 2021
Friday, December 24, 2021
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Monday, November 8, 2021
Friday, October 1, 2021
Monday, September 6, 2021
Friday, September 3, 2021
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Monday, June 28, 2021
Sunday, June 27, 2021
God no go shame us 2
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Saturday, January 30, 2021
We had a nice time and when they left, I had time to indulge my thoughts. It dawned on me that each side had what the other needed.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
The course was as tough as a badger’s
skin but Tina was the magician here. It was as if she had a wand to control the course. Joanna called her Statistical Hermoine, just like the Hermoine in Harry Potter.
The statistics examination was in two days, and she made up her mind that she wasn’t going to fail. She was going to do all she could to make sure she passed. So, since Tina knew the course, Tina's house was the best place to be.
After having lunch, she looked at her watch and it was 2:49pm. A brief nap was all she needed for her mind and body to be alert for what Tina was to going to teach her and her other classmates.
Jo reached out for her phone and set the alarm for 3:30pm
before she packed her blonde hair and cuddled her 5ft5 body under the duvet as
she curled on her side before sleep took over. She had such a slender frame
that made her hips stand out in a good way which made her attractive.
"I'm going to pass this course. I'm going to..." she paused to yawn "pass this co...urse" she fell asleep.
The alarm woke her up, and she reached out to stop it as quickly as possible.
‘Now I’m ready’, she said to herself as she put her things together to go to Tina’s house.
Her eyes caught the clock hung on the
wall and she stared at it in disbelief. It was almost 6 o’clock.
“Oh no, oh no, oh no! How did this happen?” she yelled in frustration and hurriedly packed her things. She ran out of the house, and she had stopped a cab when she realized she didn’t lock the door.
"Sir, could you give me a few minutes, I forgot to lock my door but I'll be right back" she dashed off without closing the door or listening to what he had to say. When she arrived, she slid into the car.
“Thank you” she said to the driver. “191 Crambell Street”
That’s $5 ma’am” he replied and moved the gear
from park to drive.
“Wait!” she yelled at the driver and went
through her bag pack. “I think I forgot my wallet”
“Should I wait?” the driver asked
“Please do. I’ll be down in a minute” she
rushed out of the cab and dashed into the house. As she was about to step into
the car, Tracy her flat mate held her hands and whispered in her ears “You need
to powder your nose. You’re stained.”
Joanna stood fixed on the spot as Tracy smiled
at her and left. She bent by the passenger’s window and spoke to the driver “Sir,
please could you give another minute, I’ll be real quick.”
“Ma’am I haven’t got all day”
“I’m sorry. I’ll be back before you realize it.”
she said and used her bag to cover up before she ran into the house. She was back in a few minutes.
“Thank you, thank you” she said to the driver
“can we go now?”
The driver looked at her from the rear mirror
without saying a word.
“Can you go on now? I’m in a hurry please” she
said impatiently
“Forgive my manners” he said politely “But are
you sure you should be going out?”
“How do you mean?” she said irritated by the
“I’m sorry to meddle into your affairs. You’re
all over the place it and I think it will be better for you…” he was cut short
“Should I alight or would you do your work?”
“I’m sorry ma’am. 141 Crambell street right?” he asked
as he started the ignition.
“Yes” she said and he drove off. Joanna wondered what the driver’s problem was. The fact that she told him to wait a few times and he did didn’t mean he shouldn’t mind his business.
She stared at
his black and grey hair before looking away. Her parents always meddled in that
same way. There's something about aging that makes people nosy.
A thought nudged her in her abdomen “What if he
was right?” But wouldn’t that mean she would fail her exams? That was a scarier
thought but she couldn’t get the feeling out of her mind and it upset her.
The driver arrived at her destination. She
alighted and almost ran into the house when he called back after her.
“Hey ma’am where’s my money?” he said as he
stood on one foot while the other part of his body was in the car.
Joanna had completely forgotten and ran back to
give it to him “Sorry about that” she looked into his eyes and the eerie
feeling arose once more. She shrugged it off, walked away and hit Tina’s
“Who is it?”
“Its Jo”
“Finally”. The door opened and she went into
the building and Tina’s apartment.
“Hey girl, its almost 7! Thought we agreed for
6?” Tina said
“Long story. But I’m here now. How much have I
Tina went over a few details and promised to
fill her in when others were done with the calculation. While they were at it,
someone tapped at the door.
“Who’s there” Tina asked
There was no answer.
“Who’s there?” she asked again
“, its Billy”
“Why does he sound that way” asked Kristina one
of the girls in the room
“I thought so…” Jo said but was abruptly cut
There was a big bang on the door. “Everyone on the ground now” Someone was about to scream when they heard the click of the gun.
“If I hear any other sound, I’ll blow your heads off. Be quiet and obey all instructions.
When we get to you, give us what we want and we would leave you alone in peace. Disobey and you gonna meet your fucking dead folks on the other side”
Jo was shaking; she was sure her blood pressure was hitting the roof. If only she had stayed home. She felt something flow towards her head, and as it touched her hands, she could smell urea.
Kristina who was lying down in front of her had peed on herself.
The thieves got to her and she handed over her
wristwatch and phone. The one who gave the instructions walked to her
“Is that all you have?” he asked
“Ye-Yess. Please don’t kill me.” she said with her head bowed.
“I would have left you alone but you’re a terrible liar.” he
said angrily
“I swear down. I’ve- I’ve dropped all I have.
My laptop is in my bag”
He slapped her immediately. “Why didn’t you say that earlier?”
“I’m sorry.” she said amidst tears
“I’ll show you what happens to girls that lie.” he said “On your feet now” he snatched her up. She was about to scream when the guy put the gun behind her head. “One more sound and it’s over little liar”.
She knew she was crying but it was soundless. He dragged her out and took her to another room where they tied another guy. He pushed the tied guy into the bathroom and locked it.
He put her on the bed. “What’s your name?”
“J-J-Joanna” she stuttered
“Now be a good girl and do as I say.” He said to her and began to unbuckle his belt.
Jo started a fresh round of tears.
“Don’t worry, you’ll enjoy it” he said as he took off his denim.
“Please don’t do this.” she sobbed
“Keep your fucking mouth shut and take off your
pants now!” he said as she took off her denim and she intensified her tears. He
dipped his fingers into her underwear. “What’s this?” he said as
he showed her his blood stained fingers.
Jo’s mind went from east to west almost
immediately to give him a quick answer. “Please wash your hands immediately.
It’s my period all right but I have drug-resistant staphylococcus and I just
ordered herbs from Africa to treat it. You can die from it”
The thief jumped off the bed and ran into the
bathroom “Get out of my way” he said and kicked the guy he locked in there in a desperate attempt to wash his hands. There
was a loud bang on the door to the room “Yo Bear! We’re off; cops on their way”
The thief walked out of the bathroom without as much as a glance from her as she was putting her clothes back on.
In a few
seconds, Tina rushed to her side and they began to cry together. Jo was really
grateful nothing happened to her and she sure wasn’t going to get out of her
house whenever she had that eerie feeling next time.
Saturday, January 2, 2021
Lessons I learned in 2020: Emotionalism, a faster killer than heart attack
1. There was skit I watched from Mr. freaky freaky. A lady told him one of his boys molested her and she brought police men to arrest him. Mr. freaky freaky was angry and he spoke harshly to the boy. The lady later confessed she only set him up after she saw Mr. freaky freaky breathe fire and brimstone. However, the poor boy had committed suicide already.