
Easy was her love, her sparkles and glitters in a dark room, the one who
made common sense seem uncommon and she loved it. That feeling of flying
without wings, of plunging into the deep blue sea from Mountain Kilimanjaro was
what she always welcomed.
Ever since she saw Easy in class, she set her eyes on him and made sure
she got him even against the advice of Fatimah who always acted as Miss Right
and Righteous.
He couldn’t get a job right after school so she decided to borrow five
hundred thousand Naira from work to set him up. He wanted to have a clothing
line and with the money she gave to him, she helped him actualize the business.
He went into the making of women’s clothes which made her uncomfortable because
she didn’t want them stealing her Easy but it attracted many customers since it
was a profitable business. She and Fatimah went there to shop a couple of times
and they always met many ladies there. She knew some would be winking at her
man but she always prayed he would remain level-headed.
The last time she went to see him, his dress maker was delivering some
clothes but she noticed a fair-skinned lady who was scantily dressed stirring
up trouble.
“I am ready to bring this place down” she said “you better call your
boss, let him bring my money”.
“Madam calm down, Easy went to the Market to get some materials, be
patient, he’ll be back soon” the dress maker pleaded.
“Oga please if you don’t have anything good, useful and profitable to
say with that useless mouth of yours just shut up. I don’t blame you, nonsense”
she hissed.
“Ah ah madam” said Ene “please calm down o, it’s not that...”
“Shut up, useless girl, you riff-raffs that run after men with money.
Let the Mungo-Park come and give me my money or else you will all dance to my
tune today” said the lady.
Ene’s temperature could have blown a thermometer at that point. She was
about to pour out fire and brimstone when Akin the dresser maker pleaded with
her and told her to go home because she couldn’t react to a customer. She was
in a good mood so she listened to him.
At about midnight, Easy called her.
“Hello Babe, how are you” he asked.
“Easy, ah ah why are you calling me at this time, its late, what
happened to your phone, I tried to reach you all day, where did you go, do you
“Pipe down love, I don’t even know which question to answer” he laughed
“It’s not funny, maybe you should start by telling me who that mad woman
He took a deep breath and said “That was Maria, a client. She paid for
some clothes and mistakenly, I drew the wrong designs for the clothes and she
rejected them. The problem still exists because those importing the fabric aren’t
importing yet; they are complaining about the exchange rates and I don’t have
the cash to give her because I have to pay for other things as well but when
the Lashore client pays me in 3 weeks, I’ll send her money to her. Let’s forget
about that okay baby, I’m sorry. You should let me know the next time you’ll be
coming to my place so I’ll be waiting to cover you with kisses and protect your
sweet heart. So am I forgiven?”
“Forgiven ke? E dey fly on top person like that (is it so easy) just how
much are we talking about...”
“For the sake of our love, I want you to drop this issue immediately
Babe, you know I don’t like it when work comes between us. I will handle it so
I want you to take a chill pill ok? I really wish I was there by your side
kissing that flaming nose, lovable lips and the royalty of your neck.” Easy
“All these your sweet words don’t work o, just make sure I hear nothing
of such again” said a pacified Ene.
And that was months ago. Towards the end of the year, some of her
friends at work told her they went to his showroom and they met another lady
asking him for money to go for Xmas shopping and he gave her; meanwhile, she
had to borrow him money that same week.
Just as they were about to arrive at Easy’s place, he called her to tell
her to borrow him money. Again!
She had been paying for the loan and with the money he kept borrowing,
it didn’t seem like this was going to end anytime soon.
She loved this guy and didn’t want to lose him but she couldn’t go
bankrupt as well. She had to think of a way to handle the issue.
Watch out for the next part on Wednesday.
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Ole, so he's giving the money to girls, Na wa for men sha