I went
to the market today and I saw a woman selling avocados. She told me “auntie buy
na, you know say e good (buy it because it’s healthy). I got home and did my
research and I was shocked at the many benefits hidden in this fruit.
Let me
run you through it:
contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, KB5, B6, Phosphorus, Manganese, Potassium
(it has more potassium content than Bananas which is a fruit that’s high in
Potassium) Iron, magnesium, copper. It has no cholesterol or sodium but
contains very little saturated fat.
(Potassium is quite important because it aids
healthy blood pressure)
to research, avocados cuts down cholesterol, triglycerides, reduces LDL
cholesterol and improves HDL cholesterol greatly.
If you
have family members who have cancer you should try Avocado because studies have
shown that it affects the genes that aid cancer with the help of Oleic Acid
which is a major fat found in Avocado. It’s very healthy and doesn’t add to the
bad cholesterol (LDL). Oleic Acid is also known to reduce inflammation.
There are
also Avocado Oils and it isn’t affected by oxidation (the process by which a
substance mixes with oxygen or loses hydrogen) caused from heat or fire. This is
what makes Avocado Oils your number one choice when it comes to cooking. It’s
quite healthy and safe.
reason why you should eat Avocado is because of the high fibre content. Fibre assists
weight loss, deals with rising blood sugar which is one of the main causes of
diabetes and many other diseases.
Fibre can
be Insoluble and Soluble Fibre (feeds on the friendly bacteria in the intestine)
which helps the body work effectively. Both can be found in Avocado.
have shown that Avocado extract mixed with Soybean oil can reduce the signs of Osteoarthritis.
Read: Garlic.
Read: Garlic.
If you’re
undergoing chemotherapy, you can try is as research as proven that it reduces
the effects as well as limits the growth of prostate cancer cells.
is high in antioxidant and can help you take in antioxidants from other foods
which can help to fight Cataracts and Macular degeneration.
Avocados help you live a richer and healthier life. It can be used to garnish
foods such as salads. I eat it without mixing with any other food and some
people use it as bread spread.
It takes
time for Avocados to ripen. How do you know when it’s ripe – it’s very soft. Remove
the peel, throw away the seed and eat your delicious, mouth-watering Avocado.
You can
also season with garlic or lime.
What are
you waiting for?
Go get
your Avocado now!
The green and healthy alligator pear (its also called alligator pear)