Friday, March 4, 2016


I wanted to make breakfast but I needed to get some ingredients so I went to the shop adjacent my house to get the things I needed which posed another problem:
the woman hardly stays in her shop which meant I had to bang the gate or take another 7-10 minutes’ walk to get to another shop.

Almost 2 minutes later, she came out and shouted “Ah, Auntie, no vex, e ma binu, thank God it’s Friday TGIF” she said smiling. Her smile was so pretty it calmed my nerves and I simply decided to buy what I needed and leave.

On my way back to the house, I began to wonder, TGIF, thank God it’s Friday! How come I’ve never heard thank God it’s Monday or Thank God it’s Wednesday?


Or have you?

I think it’s the idea of the weekend when you don’t go to work that makes Friday thrilling (this only applies to those who don’t run shifts).  If you love your job, there’s a comfort it brings to you even if it’s not bringing in as much money that you wish it would.

Just imagine if you need a job in order to keep body and soul together and you get it. Great, right? The only problem is that it’s time consuming and you don’t like it. Your encouragement is when #godwin-salary gets in which of course you’ll finish spending as quickly as possible (if there are debts or many hungry mouths, the money is finished even before you receive alert).

No matter what you’re doing, find what you’re passionate about and do it too even if it’s something you’re not doing for a living.

Don’t let your life fall into a routine of TGIF; find the time to do what you would really want to do.


  1. Well said but that's hard. If your working in a bank and u love drawing and painting which also requires time and consent ration how do u manage

  2. Well said but that's hard. If your working in a bank and u love drawing and painting which also requires time and consent ration how do u manage

  3. Thats why the emphasis for now is on talent and not just work
