Sunday, April 5, 2015


Let me tell you a story.
There was a man,
A fine one.
Scratch that,
A very fine man.
He wasn’t handsome according to your definition of handsomeness,
Neither had he six packs and abs,
Nor the 6ft plus,
Nor dark,
But what made him handsome was that he was mine.
Did you hear that,
He was mine.
I always felt elated ,
And showed him off to all,

So back to the matter
I’m sure you’re asking
How did he look?
He was just the height of ... himself lol
That should amount to 5.7
He wasn’t slim
Wasn’t fat either
Brown eyes
Shiny black and curly hair
He had to shave daily
Oh yes!
He had a carpet on his chest as well
Chocolate skin
Very neat man
They loved his swag just like that
Baba ‘fe the jester
That was what he was called
He always had an interesting topic
He talked a little too much
But it always ended with laughter
When the kids were young
They rarely saw him in the morning
He was a banker
He had to go to work
But they saw cookies when they woke up
And toffee
And chocolates especially those with hearts
Weekends was their special bonding moments
They always went out
Fast foods, beach, shopping
All the fun places for kids
Then when they got home

He told them stories
How the lion swallowed the tortoise
It was very bitter
So the lion vomited it but broke its shell
The tortoise had to see a good medicine man
To seal his back
But because Tortoise continued to annoy the man
He sealed it roughly
And they always laughed
And sang the song of the dog singing to his mother to let down the rope
When they got into secondary school
Things were quite different
He fought with his wife
All for money’s sake
She tried to shield the man at first so the kids won’t know
But the fights became pronounced
They saw it for themselves
He said he was building a house
His wife had to run the house
It went on
The first year
The second, third, fourth, fifth
Han han
When would it be ready?
Soon the money matter brought a lot of fight
A family friend told the wife he had been promoted
But he didn’t tell anyone at home
So she told the family friend
Who was amazed but promised to confront him
When he came home,
It was really noisy
After that,
He continued to give them some money
This was something
Once in a while
He visited them in school
And brought all the goodies they loved
When his first daughter
Had her first show of womanhood
He told his wife to buy a chicken from the market
Although he never gave her the complete money
And the fights continued
Sometimes he came home
Sometimes he travelled
His wife said it was because he had another woman
He said it was because he was promoted as an auditor
So he had to visit other branches
On his son’s birthday

He told them he would give them the money for the party
True to his word
He dropped some of the money for the celebration
That was about 40% of the money
His kids were happy he even dropped some of the money
As usual
His wife dropped most
And he invited his friends
So they could see how much he spent on the celebration
And that he was a good man
Who loved his family
He shouted out to his wife
‘’my dear, hope you bought the beer i told you to get’’
She shouted back
‘’i didn’t see the money, so i just bought two’’
He said ‘’that means you’ve mixed it up with the money for food’’
He told his friends ‘’that’s women for you’’
They all laughed
Then he sent a chap to bring them six crates of beer
The chap said they only had four
He told him to keep the change
His wife kept grumbling throughout the party
She said she was staying in the marriage because of the children and not for him