Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Still on Father's day...

I wrote this poem years ago on Father's day

It speaks about what a true Father does for his family. Take out the time to go through it and let it sink in.

It takes a lot of courage to soar against the wind.

It takes a lot of bravery to keep walking when you can’t see the way

It takes a lot of pugnacity to keep moving when all keep laughing and spitting on you.

It takes a lot of boldness to wipe another's tears even when your own heart is bleeding.

It takes a lot of doughtiness to build up another when you’re almost falling apart.

It takes a lot of love to lead a lot of different people and not give up on them.

It takes a lot of valor to be unshaken when you’re in the midst of massive landslides.

It takes a lot of passion and piety to stand up for and against friends and foes alike.

It takes more than a lot of hankering to pursue passionately after God.

It takes a lot of nerve to act and do what you say.
It takes a lot of humility to be make yourself the stepping stone for others.

It takes a lot of fearlessness to keep descending and to be able to drop your all.

It takes a whole lot of zeal to make you groom and grow as well.

It takes a lot to be this kind of man.

It takes a whole to be this kind of Father.

It takes so much more to be you.