Sunday, December 27, 2015


It’s been a wonderful year with its highs and lows. Like a comment that came in yesterday, I’m sure one or two people have lost a loved one that made the year look bleak. 

Here’s something that is uplifting and will urge you to look upwards.

It’s been wonderfully amazing
Knowing you
I remind myself of how much time has passed
How much I really miss you
How much I’ve learnt from you
How much you’ve taught me
From life
From living

I wouldn’t deny the fact
That I wake up
And wish you were here
As I look out of the window
As the cold and frost come in
I suddenly find a few tear drops
Licking my cheeks

But I’m grateful
For the few moments we shared together
It was a pleasure knowing you
Knowing the kind of life you lived
Knowing the battles
You fought, endured, won, conquered and lost
Knowing the love and warmth
That spread from your heart
And the light that shone in your eyes

It’s time to move on
With the beautiful lessons I’ve learned
And not to settle
In the debris of grief that engulfs me
I know you wouldn’t want me to
Waste away

So here’s to the time we spent together
And to what’s before me
I’ll fight and be strong
As strong as you want me to be.


  1. My dad had cancer before he died, he always told me its not the length of time lived but what we do with our time. He's gone and I'm sad but God knows best. Thank you Bolanle
