Tuesday, December 8, 2015


To the man I once loved
The one who I grew up seeing
The one who saw me
The one I grew up famzing with
The one who knew me
The one I grew up adoring
But who laughed at my scorn
This is to you

Here’s to the man I once loved
We love the earth together
We ate our leeks and cucumber
And garlic
But d**n!
It was delicious then
We thought of nothing else
Never thought a day would come when I would look out the window
You never imagined this other man would come
Yes he did come
Just as Snape pushed Harry and Ron’s head
In the Goblet of fire
You were doing just the same
That’s when I saw him

I followed this new man
I had a taste of all he could offer
He left me to do what was to be done
...and now... I’m walking to him

You fool!
He’s shown me what you’ve done to me
You paralysed me
Yet I didn’t know
He can give me a new spine
He can make everything new
So why won’t I love him
Yes I’m falling in love with him

So I’m going after him
I gats to find him
I gats to know him
He’s made me feel...
Made me feel...
Exotic and fresh
So I want to know him
He has such terrible scars
I want to feel his scars
I want to know his story
And take up some of his scars

We will be adorned together
Coz we will end up with each other
Winding up and cuddling in each other’s arms
We will be beautiful
More than words can say

Photocredit: fansshare.com