Saturday, October 17, 2015


Radiating in every direction you turn
Is that alluring smile
Your laugh that resounds in my system
That reverberates in my entirety
Evoking pleasant chuckles
And mehn!
You do glow!

Exceptionally fascinating 
Can’t really describe you
It’s more than the glowing lips
Or the stylish speaking eyes
Or the pleasantly questioning brows
Maybe it’s the finesse with which you handle your brush
Or the alluring way your fingers work
While you’re cultivating and carving out sweet destinies on the face
That inspires the fellow to search for identity

Grace, oh graceful is your essence
You glide and glow
Shine and shimmer
Dazzling in your usual demeanour
Especially when you raise your hand
To do the durrrhhhhh!
You twist and turn
Catwalking away
Swaying your hips to say you don’t care
Leaving everyone mouth-open
And in awe

Amiable is who you are
The word Bae on your lips
Always makes people grin
For in the simplicity of words
You never fail to hide who you are

Loveliness equals to you
Style, poise and charm is what sums you up
Very quiet and gentle is your agility
With the etiquette of a goddess
This is what describes you
Like the first letters of each paragraph
R-E-G-A-L is more than make-up
R-E-G-A-L is more than a brand
R-E-G-A-L carves destines
Bloom, blossom, bud and grow
There’s enough love for that