Monday, October 19, 2015


Nothing makes sense anymore
Nothing at all makes sense
There is no more light
There is no sun
Its been covered with rain clouds

Oh, how I hate the rain clouds
It blocks every source of light
And birth shadows
Making us look like Gollum
Fusing into the air
The power to make us zombies
And we become VEXpies

As the present depression gnaws at our flesh
Eats at the mind
Making us
Almost schizophrenic
Almost alone
Sleep walking
Till we’re out of this world
And bankrupt in every sense

But then I remember
That I once was lost
And unaware of the road
That I’ve gotten so used to strutting on
I was once alone
Before I got here

I remember the sound of the bell
On the first day
It brought the light
I joined a host of others to shout UP NEPA
And we were happy to see
All things bright and beautiful

I am encouraged
And I know
Light will come again
And we will sing, clap, and rejoice
As we scream
UP NEPA once more.



  1. Thought it was Nigerian Nepa doh. Good! We all need light.

  2. UP NEPA: the sound of light
    up nepa, when darkness flows away
    up nepa we awit the deep breath before the plunge to pass
    u[ nepa, up nepa, up nepa

  3. They go soon bring the light #upnepa #godwin #hopeful
