Monday, October 26, 2015


Have you ever gotten to a place you’re used to after many years but felt lost due to the drastic change?

This is my best example: when I was in my formative years life was simpler then, there were no smart gadgets.

There was a level of innocence on my part and at that time.
Let me sight an example.

I used to think the clouds was a blanket God spread like a rug to carry his power.

Very funny right! lol.

Someone said I must have drank small stout.

We used to play different games back then and moreover, some people had parents that were there physically and emotionally.

Well kids these days are quite different. They are smarter than the smart phones that are manufactured today.

They are more exposed than kids from the 20th century like us.

They know so much (this has it's own merit and demerits).

I know of an 8 year old that wanted to commit suicide. When she was 13 she was dating a guy who was about 30 years. When I told a friend she said it is (it’s over).

Now that's the next generation; it's really sad.

This is what I believe will help.

Sometimes the difference is in a listening ear, someone who can study a child to know what’s wrong and most of all, someone who understands and knows the child’s direction in life.

At the end of the day, you’ll see money isn’t everything.

The choices we make go a long way.

Do you really think I drank small stout?


  1. Deep thoughts... hope the child went for counselling o

  2. U no drink small stout o, I also had a lot of funny thoughts as a kid. they seem rather bizarre now. May God help this generation.

  3. Maybe you did but not much. Nice piece
