Saturday, April 2, 2016


I saw this picture on Facebook and you can trust people; they were all laughing; comments said 'lol', ‘rotfl’, ‘lwkmd’.
As for me, I was simply angry. 

If this picture is real, then its past official: some teachers are crazy. (I said some, and some schools are crazier for hiring them)

The bulk of the work falls to the parents: in the midst of your tight schedule, you have to squeeze out time for your child because when you're not with them they are vulnerable and open to many things from the media, to school, friends, teachers and the environment.

Try listening to what they say these days like slangs or the songs they sing, or even the way they dance or handle phones or laptops such as Apple.

Asabe told me her story: when she was in Nursery school she had this Maths textbook that scared her; whenever it was time for Mathematics she always cried and her teacher beat her and brought out the book for her but no one understood while she cried, they felt it was just the normal child tantrum. 

Till date, she hates mathematics. If only she had someone who sat her down to ask her what the problem was way back, she might be a ‘Maths Pro’ by now.

We all want the best lives for our kids so let’s groom them with it.


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