Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Hi peeps! Welcome to my first movie erm special (that’s the word, special).

It’s a different light into this movie AVENGERS: Age of Ultron.

 I'll be writing about this in two parts.

First of all: It’s a 2015 movie about the 7 superheros that have to maintain peace in their time although they created the war known as Ultron.
They include
1.       Chris Evans - Captain America (the guy in American colours and abs) 
2.       Iron Man - Robert Downey Jr  (the witty one)
3.       Chris Hemsworth – Thor (I like his accent and hammer)
4.       Scarlett Johansson – Black widow ( a very smart girl)
5.       Mark Ruffalo – Hulk (the green big guy)
6.       Jeremy Renner – Clint Barton (the guy with bow and arrows)
These guys I introduced are peace keepers, the destroyers of evil; I mean they are super heroes so they are strong (so we thought). 
 As humans, we are all given to frailty; there’s something that makes our heart skip a beat. In this movie it brought down the gods.
There was a set of twins in the movie, the girl could play with their minds. 
She began with Iron Man, he built defenses out of fear and guilt; this explains his robots and Ultron. 

Looking into his life, it shows that whatever you do out of that secret fear at a point will go awry. At first it may seem wonderful (when he just had the robots and Jarvis), a time would come it would be a drive (Ultron) and it would destroy a lot of things.
Think about it this way: if there’s a fear of something bad, there’s also a possibility things will work out. Ask yourself why you fear a certain thing which is the way your mind sees it but you need to also get the right mindset. 

In the movie The Matrix, the child told Neo there was no spoon not that it was bending. That's what it means to get the right mindset.Get help!

To the god among them – Thor: One of the things I love about Thor is when Ultron made away with the Loki’s sceptre and he lifted Iron Man with one hand, he was quite angry but he and the others decide to move on and not linger on the issue.
Imagine Thor decided to dwell on the issue, what would have been Iron Man’s reaction when they were down?
He knew about Wanda (the mind reader) and he warned Cap (Captain America) about her. He said ‘unfortunately, I am mighty’ but the enemy had already worked in him. 
But Thor made himself better; he went to search for answers which helped the team at the end of the day.
Moving on
Let’s see the over 75 year old Cap. Look at his abs and control over the team; he gives precise direction and is quite knowledgeable but deep down, he hasn’t gotten past the war and his issues. 
This is the reason why you can’t take people at face value. A person may look good on the surface but may be a huge bag of manure deep within.
Iron man told Captain America something interesting. ‘’Don’t trust a man without a dark side.’’ 

This is true, even if he’s cleaned up, how did he get clean? She dresses well - that’s very good but why? When he’s into his job everything fades away – that’s excellent but what’s his drive?
Let’s check out the Hulk.

His greatest fear is what dwells inside him: The hulk who’s always angry. This is his greatest threat but the good thing is there’s a control which is the Lullaby and Black widow. If only he chooses to be vulnerable with her.

Sometimes we all need to open up our hearts to those around us so they can help us.

 ...to be continued...

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