Sunday, January 17, 2016


Wake up sunshine
Its your day
Everyday is your day
But today is the day you should let it sink in
As it is your day of celebration
‘ama rub it in

Yeah right!
They say
You’re a year older
So what
They ask
But they can’t
They can’t see how much you’ve grown
How much has changed
How the caterpillar has come out of its cocoon
How those baby steps have become stable
How those shaky hands have a better grip
Though not extremely strong but so much better
And how those fears have dissolved

And it’s only a matter of time
Coz the butterfly just came out
It simply needs to let the sun
Lick up the fluid on its wings
After which it will fly
Stretching beautifully in the sun
To the amazement of all

Is that a dark spot I see?
What’s in that spot?
Is that pain
Pain acquired on the path of growth
Stretching it fingers on your antenna
No my love
Don’t let it take over
It hurts but it must not inform and direct you
Or else it will mislead you
Step out of it
Take it to the one who made you grow
So you don’t live through it
And by it
Coz it’s a silent destroyer

So my dear
Forget this coming tide
It will pass
And you’ll float

Have a wonderful year
You have all my best wishes and love
Have a blast!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hope you will write for me on my birthday as well

  3. Hope you will write for me on my birthday as well

  4. Happy birthday my darling friend. May God make all things beautiful for you.

  5. Nicely written Bolanle. I like it.
